Friday 31 July 2009

Caldon Canal

We hung a right off the Trent & Mersey & ventured onto the new pastures of the Caldon Canal. At this point we lost all contact with the world's technology; ie internet, telephone, shops and non-polluting public transport (let me out of this Tardis - or perhaps not; it's worth it!).

Still travelling with Lesley & Joe on NB Caxton & they, ocassionally, managed to pull enough signal to get a few words up so, if you fancy it, you can hang these photos around Lesley's words.

All these photos are from the train that runs along the Churnet Valley from Cheddleton to Froghall -lovely.

But, before we reached anywhere near this far, we met our first obstacle; a very, very, low bridge - off came everything from the roof, the top box contents strewn all over the tow path, top box carried through by Joe & G like a couple of stretcher bearers and reloaded on the far side. Lesley quietly enquired why we'd stored mouldy pillows? I tried to explain that they'd been fine when we'd stored the hillbillies having a garage (or towpath) sale.

Anyway, this is all now history & goodness knows when I'll have a signal again, because we're at the end of the Leek arm and planning to leave for the Trent & Mersey tomorrow.

It has rained & rained & rained.

Aboveare pictures of Cheddleton flint mill.

The Hollybush, Denford, with it's own personal claim to torrential rain when we passed it both times.

The Stockton Locks - tiles/bricks dedicated to the potteries.

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